Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year!

This is a very brief post to mark the end of 2012 - and the beginning of 2013.

It has been an interesting year for Owl and Panda. More than anything else we started this blog and that has all been extremely exciting! We look forward to many more blogposts and lots more lovely readers in 2013. (If you want to spread a little New Year Cheer you can always tweet about us, "Like" us on Facebook and follow our blog. We would love you forever and will send you cake)

There is always a little bit of pressure around New Years Eve for singletons. Owl would be lying if she said she wasn't super excited about having a guaranteed kiss at midnight in far TOO long. But remember - that's not what the New Year is about.

It's about remembering the past - the past 12 months in particular, reflecting on happy memories and learning our lessons from the harder ones. It's about having a bit of fun, or relaxing - overall having a nice night and thinking about what we want to make the coming year for us.

It's not about stressing out about hooking up, having someone to kiss, or whether we go out or not.

So whatever your plans are for tonight - have a good one! Make sure it's one filled with smiles and love whether you're partying til dawn or sitting in with a lovely drink and a movie.

Of course New Years Eve is always a chance for a good declaration of love speech too ;)

Happy New Year everyone! 

Lets make 2013 even better!


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